Select stocks, analyze and optimize your portfolios, Make Confident Decisions. Profitable value investments are now available for everyone.


Alpha Rank is a professional investing application that allows you to find companies which have the highest growth potential, analyze its performance and financial data, build and optimize portfolios. 

Our mission is not just to develop another one investing tool, we aim to satisfy the main trader’s KPI – to get the Alpha from market. 

To reach this goal we have implemented the professional set of features that step by step will lead you through stormy financial markets and help you to make confident and efficient decisions. 


If you do not know how to read financial data, you are not familiar with statistical metrics and ratios and feel shock if you need to calculate variance – Alpha Rank is right for you! We have already done all this stuff. A specially designed AI service automatically processes 10,000 US companies and selects the best ones, grouping them by financial strength and efficiency.

What you need to do is just to select preferable stocks, Alpha Rank will automatically calculate optimal weights for you. Investing has never been so easy and convenient.


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Seasonality is a price pattern of company/commodity behavior that occurs repeatedly. In the most of cases it relates to periodic fluctuations in certain business areas and cycles that occur regularly based on a particular season. Seasonality chart allows you to analyze the price structure, find seasonal patterns and follow them. Also you can easily check the pattern reliability and make a deep backtesting.  

Another common use case of seasonality, that is especially useful for stocks, is to analyze company performance during long period of time. This tool clearly answers the question: “If I invested 10,000 USD in MSFT 10 years ago what APR I would receive?”. For this particular example you would receive 17.85% every year with 3.09% of risk.


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Search through 75 criterions, easily find stocks which suit your personal preferences. For your convenience we have combined the most useful financial ratios together.  

Resulting table is grouped by categories, you can easily navigate and find any particular metric you need. Compare thousands of stocks in few clicks, save your results into Watchlist, build profitable portfolios.


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You would like to sell “Covered Calls” but do not know how to accurately calculate risk profile. Option Analytics will do this for you!

Hedge your portfolios against risk with simple and useful tool. Create and analyze custom strategies, switch between various  “Greeks” risk profiles for advanced analysis. Simulate volatility impact and time decay on the selected options strategy by using “What-If” scenarios.

The industry-standard view of the options desk allows you to easily navigate through variety of underlying stocks and option series. Risk profile chart is interactive and fully flexible, feel free to scale both axes or pan data. Allow Option Analytics to do all routine and save your time.



Use portfolio optimization to find optimal weights. Visualize the efficient frontier and portfolios population. Select the combination which suits your needs the best. 

Monte Carlo simulation allows to build reliable estimations based on the current mean and variance. It is the useful tool that provides a way to test long term expected portfolio growth.  


Alpha Rank is an advanced investing application that allows you to find companies which have the highest growth potential, analyze its performance and financial data, build and optimize portfolios.

Alpha Rank is a comprehensive handy tool that fulfills all investing needs. The application allows you to solve the whole range of issues beginning from the searching for suitable stocks and ending with a portfolio formation. You can deeply discover particular stock, understand advantages and disadvantages, analyze the structure of performance, create watchlists, read news and a lot more… 

Currently we cover all US exchanges

Yes, we provide a fundamental information like: world indices, sectors/industries performance, CFTC Commitments of Trades, markets risk premium, treasury rates, GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, CPI, retail sales, federal funds rate… For particular company you can read financial data and ratios, read grading companies review, check insider trades, follow famous management companies portfolios and a lot more.

Yes, sure you can create your personal watchlists

Yes, you can import your portfolio and track it

Yes, we are connected to news feeds, all information is updated in real time. We also mark news with sentiment and score.

Yes, we have a special tool for option analysis, it allows you to build custom strategies, plot charts and analyze “Greeks” on the fly.

Insider tool is a feature that allows you to look what famous management companies and investors have in their portfolios.

Opportunities page contains the list of top companies which have the best rank, financial results, performance, reliability…  These companies were selected by our AI algorithm and automatically updated once a month. You can use these companies to build your own portfolios. Also Opportunities page allows you to find optimal weights for selected portfolio and make the Monte Carlo simulation of future returns.

This tool allows you to determine and test seasonal price patterns that repeatedly occur. In the most of cases it relates to periodic fluctuations in certain business areas and cycles that occur regularly based on a particular season. Especially useful use case for stocks, is to analyze company performance during long period of time. This tool clearly answers the question: “If I invested 10,000 USD in MSFT 10 years ago what APR I would receive?”. For this particular example you would receive 17.85% every year with 3.09% of risk.

Get Alpha follows “Value investing paradigm” we aim to buy good companies at discounted price.

Currently it is totally free. But when a beta testing period is over we will add a “Pro” license.


Your confident move

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PHONE: +(380)976199024